Monday, March 23, 2009

A for Effort

You remember how in math class you were supposed to check your work by plugging numbers back in and re-solving?  

And how nobody did it because nobody cared about math class?

Sadly, there aren't too many ways to plug in and re-solve with work you actually care about *cough* writing *cough*

But I've got my own personal check method, and maybe it'll be helpful to others: 

After I finish an outline (for a television episode, a novel scene, etc), I figure out each plot-thread's theme.  If each plot thread has the same general theme (ie, RESCUE, or IDENTITY), the outline's on track.  If not... there's a clunker thread someplace that needs to be rethought.

Knowing the theme helps me stay on track and on point.  It gives focus, and guides the refining process.

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