Thursday, July 30, 2009

Madman Shaman

Today literary agent Nathan Bransford asked his writer-blog readers how they keep the crazies at bay. The crazies meaning: that voice at the back of your mind telling you you're insane for wasting all this time/money/love on writing.

Reading the posts has been depressing. It seems that faith is the only answer.

Well, I'm running on faith-fumes at the moment and the crazies have swallowed a couple projects whole. August is going to be a time for recharging and new beginnings, and come September, I'll try to dig out those projects from the crazy-dung.

It's time to remember what *writing* and *finishing* and *pride* feels like, instead of cover letters and synopsis fretting and constant revision. That's my answer to all the crazies of daily life anyway: write. So of course, when editing and the publishing industry get me down, I go back to my old standby and write another manuscript or two.

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