Thursday, April 23, 2009

Eyes on the Prize(s?)

One of my friends finished a huge project last week, and now he gets to present it to a whole mess of people in HAWAII.

Meanwhile, I spend all my time working, yet not only am not invited to Hawaii, but don't even have anything to present to *any* mess of people.

I asked him what his secret was, and he said: focus.

I said-- but I *do* focus! It's all I do! I go into dreamland and focus the living f*ck out of whatever I'm working on.

He said-- I don't mean focus on the task at hand, I mean prioritize and only have one goal at a time. Work until you meet *that* goal, and only *then* try for the next.


Ok, so I'm trying that. And it's working! Maybe covering all the bases really does mean you can't cover any.

So I wrote an article for another friend-- the one with the awesome website. That's all I did- my day job, and that article. As of today, it's done! And on the website! And as a "feature"! And, when I reread it, I discovered that it's actually pretty good!

My new priority (my only priority until it's done!) is my television spec. And even though I've only focused on it for a few hours, while at my day job no less, I'm suddenly making headway. It's the attitude, I guess: when I'm only allowed to think about the one thing, my head clears and new ideas come.

So thank you lucky, vacationing friend. Maybe one day, I'll get to Hawaii, too.

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