Monday, February 9, 2009

And then, and then, and then....

My YA is going on a tangent.

On the one hand, the story is kind of cool, and since I'm a "short" writer, I have room for it. I'm hoping to end up with a manuscript somewhere between 60-65K, and then will pare it down to 55-60K.

On the other hand, I've got so many characters and subplots and strange places going on, that I'm worried I'm going to lose the thread of my story.

Is this normal? I'm about 30K in, but that's misleading because my first act is about 8K shorter than it will be in the second draft (my story's A LOT more complex than when it started, so the beginning is now missing a ton of character/plot information/set-up).

I've been working from outlines in this piece, and it's been going pretty well, so I'm worried about going so far "off book"!

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